The game is today played worldwide, with many distinct variants representing different regions of the Third World.
Within a few years four species of Plasmodium had been recognized, responsible for clinically distinct variants of malaria.
They produced six distinct variants, all in sterling silver.
Production lasted from 1979 to 1985 in three distinct variants with four reference numbers.
The verb get has two distinct variants between British and American uses as a past participle.
A handful of consonant phonemes do not have phonemically distinct "soft" and "hard" variants.
However, despite this shared ancestry, the Cabindans developed a very different culture and distinct variants of the Kikongo language.
During its ten-year model run, between 1958 and 1968, the Travel Air saw four distinct variants emerge.
Five distinct, naturally-occurring mycolactone structural variants have been described so far:
There are three distinct variants in addition to the traditional cueca: