Having said that, there's a distinct values differential between the two camps.
Programs to encourage information about children's rights should be launched worldwide, taking into account the distinct cultural and social values in different countries.
A 16-bit integer can store 2 (or 65,536) distinct values.
For example, the sales amount is likely to have a much larger number of distinct values.
The game's level counter was a single 8-bit byte and could therefore store only 256 distinct values (0-255).
For example, a string of three bits can represent up to eight distinct values as illustrated in Table 1.
For example, the gender field in a customer database usually contains two distinct values: male or female.
The number of distinct values representable in a single word on a 64-bit processor.
The division between those two distinct values is not always fully reconcilable.
Now I see that they can have a distinct educational value, even if it is presented in the form of romance.