Chongas are also a distinct subculture, believed to have developed in Miami in the late 20th century.
By the beginning of the 2010s, websites like MerNetwork helped to create a distinct subculture in which members ranged from hobbyists to professional performers.
American military brats have also been identified as a distinct, 200-year old American subculture.
From this point on, punk would emerge as a separate and distinct subculture with its own identity, ideology, and sense of style.
The attempt failed, but the city's tendency to atomize into distinct subcultures represents a challenge for a city magazine.
The Towson State study reveals a distinct subculture, common to campuses nationwide, of victims and victimizers.
"It's a strange, distinct subculture," she said.
The notion is a departure for both radical activists and hackers, whose distinct, subversive subcultures have rarely intersected until recently.
City workers dress and and talk in ways that identify them as part of distinct subcultures.