When the researchers in the 1987 study looked at samples taken from 147 different people and fetuses, they found 133 distinct sequences of mtDNA.
The stages of the learning process organized chronologically in the template and split into three distinct sequences for a particular learning event.
This can be seen from the fact that doing so yields n distinct possible sequences of swaps, whereas there are only n!
The 4- and 5-mers have larger numbers of distinct sequences and there are hints of power-law behavior in the tails of their distributions (Figure 1d).
A cycle of length corresponds to distinct sequences.
Five distinct colors are commonly available, allowing a single reaction to contain five sets of primers that each amplify a distinct sequence.
She notes that every time Brody was on camera, he was tapping out a distinct sequence with his fingers.
It is possible that the VT2 binding sites may have their own distinct 3' sequence, but none is apparent for the sites identified in this study.
The denominator counts the number of distinct sequences that define the same k-combination when order is disregarded.
Depending on the model chosen for the 'normal return', conducting event studies requires the researcher to implement a distinct sequence of steps.