The work is in sonata form, and makes use of seven distinct motifs, each of which is extensively developed and transformed.
Cream features three bars, two deejays and five rooms with distinct motifs.
Advertising in the game such as billboards and brochures has a distinct 1950s motif and feel.
Another distinct calcium-binding motif composed of alpha helices is the dockerin domain.
Throughout the many different centuries of its portrayal, certain distinct motifs are repeated:
The box in question is of unknown origins, though it carries a distinct Egyptian motif.
The classic Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes revamped with a distinct motif by modern authors.
The artwork of the album carries a distinct kaleidoscopic motif.
This coin series depicted distinct neoclassical motifs.
Other parameters were taken as default, and under these conditions typically 5 distinct motifs were fit.