Pairs of distinct genes that are fused in at least one genome have been termed fusion-linked [ 3].
The P.C.R. test looks at several distinct genes with sequences that can vary slightly from person to person.
A thing called a gene is the ultimate factor and is very specific; there are distinct genes for producing the different chemicals needed by the organism.
The haploid human genome (23 chromosomes) is estimated to be about 3.2 billion base pairs long and to contain 20,000-25,000 distinct genes.
Currently he is thinking of ways to protect "distinct genes within a poenome" (that is, good phrases) from being broken up during crossbreeding.
Families harbour distinct and sometimes warring genes.
Each laminin chain is a multidomain protein encoded by a distinct gene.
Some distinct genes that could underlie certain endophenotypic traits in schizophrenia include:
Genetic studies of artificial hybrids between species have amply confirmed the neo-Darwinian expectation that they differ with respect to many distinct genes.
Presently, 7 human ceramidases encoded by 7 distinct genes have been cloned: