The state's culture also includes distinct cuisine, dialect, and traditional festivals.
It has also been influenced by Chinese, Indian, Thai and many other cultures throughout history, producing a distinct cuisine of their own.
Sarawakians tend to have a distinct cuisine from their Peninsula counterparts.
One of the older American regions, New England has developed a distinct cuisine, dialect, architecture, and government.
Due to the variety of Slovenian cultural and natural landscapes, there are more than 40 distinct regional cuisines.
Despite the glitter of this sunny seaside city, Nice manages to hold on to a distinct cuisine that is refreshing, authentic and real.
The poultry-stuffed dumplings fuse not just two, but three distinct cuisines.
But recently, as an increasing number of Irish chefs hone their skills in France, the country's cooking has moved toward a distinct cuisine.
The Western United States has its own cuisine, distinct in various ways from that of the rest of the country.
A cuisine distinct to Mesoamerica was a maize-and-chile pepper based food.