And whom will they call upon to perform this distasteful task?
She turned back to the bed as if determined that a distasteful task must be done.
For the moment, they were more like machines set in motion, programmed to carry out a distasteful but necessary task.
The men doing that distasteful task took turns.
In the last couple of years, some board members said, they paid less attention to the deals, assuming that the distasteful task was largely done.
Better to bow his head to a distasteful task and stay.
"Only one more, and my distasteful task will be nearly over," said Edward, unfolding the last of the papers.
I now have to move on to a more distasteful task.
The leader Api's attitude was that of a man who had a not too distasteful, but very boring, task to perform.
One's mind spins at the distasteful tasks that could magically be done.