Even the best occupations have distasteful aspects.
Stickiness and unsightliness may be the most distasteful aspects of baseball's relationship with the chewing of tobacco and the dipping of snuff.
Indeed, some filmmakers who have grown weary of the more distasteful aspects of their business have come to count on the festival as a restorative.
Now all this leads to a distasteful aspect of our duty here, one that frankly troubles me personally, but which I have come reluctantly to decide is essential.
Arguably the most distasteful aspect of "The Bachelor" is a class dynamic that has women from a very different universe vying for Mr. Michel's legitimization.
And there was another distasteful aspect to the game.
That was perhaps the most distasteful aspect of his entire operation-making love to her gross, overindulged body.
In later years, many of the principal players, including Dana Andrews, came to express regret over the more distasteful aspects of the film.
Throughout her nursing career she had been able to find joy in even the most distasteful aspects of daily patient care.
The author contends that Islam has become a scapegoat blamed for any distasteful aspect of foreign society.