The distant eastern summits were empurpled with the parting glories of the day.
He pointed at a rocky kopie, the distant blue summit shaped like a crouching lion.
The trail twisted its way along the valley floor, climbing slowly toward the distant summit.
They were one, both reaching, straining for a distant summit.
On the distant summit, hang-gliders readied themselves for flight but I would not have swapped places.
As its name suggests, it takes the form of a long ridge which rises in a northeasterly direction from within the town of Longridge to its summit 4.5 miles distant.
By degrees the highest and most distant summits assumed a delicate, fleshlike rose color, and the red sun appeared behind the ponderous giants of the Bernese Alps.
Clouds draped their distant summits.
The summit of Mount Sequoyah is among the most distant summits traversed by a trail in the Great Smokies.
Yet the meteorology instruments on their beacons showed a fairly steady breeze of more than forty miles per hour running up the long gradual slope toward the volcano's distant summit.