Hanuman, his work done, loses interest, scurries away to some distant pinnacle of his kingdom, begins to rock on a stone.
Wang Sau-leyan smiled and turned, staring out across the delta toward the distant pinnacle of the lighthouse.
On their return trip Lewis and Clark spotted a high but distant snowy pinnacle that they named for the sponsor of the expedition, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson.
By pressing her face to the pane, she could see the whole of the Taggart Building, its lines converging abruptly to its distant pinnacle in the sky.
But I pointed out the distant pinnacles of the Palace of Green Porcelain to her, and contrived to make her understand that we were seeking a refuge there from her Fear.
There, a coyote, squatting unseen upon a distant pinnacle, howled, long-drawn and quavering, his weird protest against the solitudes in which he wandered.
The wizards stood at the top of the tower of sourcery, and as one man their eyes turned to the distant pinnacle of Cori Celesti, home of the gods.
A faint, swirling mist hid the distant pinnacle of the Keep from their eyes.
Their distant pinnacles glittered with reflected light, a cruel white that made the peaks a fitting home for chaos.
Beyond the window was the open sweep of blue sky and the distant pinnacles of tall skyscrapers.