They were sent to distant outposts on switchback mountain roads not only to train and race, but to wait.
At midcentury, Charles County was a distant outpost of the old empire.
They prefer to relax and have fun, rather than doing actual work, reasoning that they're on one of the Empire's most distant outposts.
It is hard even to recognize, from this distant outpost, the optimism that once defined Glazer's politics.
Why have a distant and unruly outpost in his empire?
Suffice it to say a Borg vessel attacked one of our most distant outposts.
Reaching the most distant outpost, Quincy ordered the men to close in.
What had taken a financial professional to that distant outpost?
The film investigates the social impact moving inner-city minority offenders to distant rural outposts.
There was simply nothing anyone could do-here or out at the distant outpost.