He switched his eyes to the distant hilltop; it lay quiet and peaceful in the afternoon light.
Suddenly, something streaked through the air on that distant hilltop, .
The sun now set behind the distant hilltops in the west, and he watched the blazing orange sky turn dark as night fell.
That small black blob on the distant hilltop was the Artifact!
A flock of crows rose, squawking over a distant hilltop.
Suddenly, something streaked through the air on that distant hilltop, a long blur, and two of the men there went down thrashing.
It is as though he has fastened his eyes upon a distant hilltop, and cannot see anything in between.
In a moment we could see clusters of figures on the distant hilltops.
And so there shone yet another distant sunlit hilltop.
On a distant hilltop, twinkling like an early evening star, a white light was flashing.