The veterans always played a trick on the rookies, sending them off to distant farms to get "free turkeys" for the holiday.
Outside there was the occasional light of a distant farm, and crowding darkness.
At the start of the postwar era, America was a land of high-rise cities with farms not far distant.
The townships are therefore often nearer to each other than they are to the distant farms in their own parishes.
Again seeing nothing but distant farms until nightfall.
They reared back in alarm and galloped off toward Folderal's distant farm.
The lane led to the village one way, and off towards distant farms the other.
In one place she could see the red, tiled roof of a distant farm.
Very occasionally they would see a speck of light from some distant farm or mutant's shack.
It was partially wooded country, an occasional bridge, sometimes a twisting lane or minor road - a distant farm - no villages.