On the high distant dunes, dark against the sandfilled sky, there were mounted figures.
Someone was watching them on a distant dune.
The dots were appearing and vanishing, and appearing again on crests of distant dunes.
Finally, slightly to the left of their present position, he focused on a small irregularity poking up amid the distant dunes.
The Sun was slipping behind a distant dune; the sunset wind whipped coldly at them.
On the distant dune, a Fremen waved a square of green cloth: once ... twice.
The sky was clear of the usual urban pollution, and the distant dunes gave a crisp, if crenelated, line for the sun to slide behind.
The sun cleared the horizon and the distant dunes of the desert glowed like bronze fresh from the forge, a dramatic backdrop to the developing hunt.
Just as Goldstein was about to glance down at the ground, a dark spot appeared on a distant dune ahead.
Bert appeared over a distant dune, waving once.