Made up of 100 men from the five main political parties, the unit dissolved within seven months.
It is estimated that half dissolve within only a few months.
But the window was a fragile one, doomed to dissolve within a heartbeat.
The marriage, if not the friendship, dissolved within months.
Under the terms of the order, the Council will be dissolved within two years unless its establishment is affirmed by the president at that time.
Avoidance would be easy, the camp could dissolve into the hills like mist within half an hour.
All have been dissolved within the acid which those vats contain.
Doctors now also use ether-based drugs that can dissolve the stones within a few hours.
He accepted the offer and re-located, only to have the band dissolve within a month of his arrival.
To be dissolved, while totally helpless, within a mammoth tube of glass!