Those metals acted as a "solvent-catalyst", which both dissolved carbon and accelerated its conversion into diamond.
Unlike copper and tin, liquid iron dissolves carbon quite readily.
It is this extremely reactive atomic oxygen species that allows piranha solution to dissolve elemental carbon.
Dissolved organic carbon exists between 4-6 mg C/L in the lake.
When this does occur, it takes place mainly through the transport of carbon in rivers as biomass or dissolved organic carbon into the ocean.
Distributions of nutrients, dissolved organic carbon and carbohydrates in the Western Arctic Ocean.
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
It can also enter the oceans through rivers as dissolved organic carbon.
In oceanic biogeochemistry, the solubility pump is a physico-chemical process that transports carbon (as dissolved inorganic carbon) from the ocean's surface to its interior.
These biological treatment systems effectively reduce water-borne diseases, dissolved organic carbon, turbidity and colour in surface water, improving overall water quality.