The first document says the embassy should adopt a "life and death" struggle against dissident Chinese students in the United States.
He was smuggled out of the country by a group of dissident students, via Bulgaria and then on into Greece.
It was there and 20 years later in July 1999 that, albeit, a much smaller number of dissident students confronted the police.
Last week, a group of dissident students milled in Victoria Park, debating whether to join an anti-Olympics rally.
The Government has already said it will not permit dissident students to go to the Aug. 15 rally unless they are accompanied by moderates.
But dissident students, already convinced that the ruling party can win only by rigging the election, are now planning to take to the streets again.
His government's collapse was followed by a revolution led by dissident students, labor activists, and non-commissioned military officers.
After the Tiananmen Square uprising, she said, she lent her office to Chinese dissident students.
He said those included ordinary criminals and dissident students and other political prisoners.
During the 1968 Columbia Student Revolt, he served as spokesperson for dissident students protesting a variety of issues, most notably the Vietnam War.