Mr. Grigorovich said, "much is changing" in the Soviet Union, mentioning that Dr. Andrei D. Sakharov, the dissident physicist, "is now back in Moscow."
He was referring to Andrei D. Sakharov, the dissident nuclear physicist, who died in 1989.
Called Gorky in Soviet times, the city was known primarily for its weapons factories and as a place of exile for the dissident physicist Andrei D. Sakharov.
Mr. le Carre seems to share the views of the dissident physicist as Barley describes them: "Says he loves the English.
Andrei Sakharov, the dissident Soviet physicist, and his wife, Yelena Bonner, were liberated from exile in Gorky.
It will have an introduction by Andrei D. Sakharov, the dissident Soviet nuclear physicist.
Slanderous' Poems In 1981, after she and her husband wrote to the Soviet Government on behalf of Dr. Andrei D. Sakharov, the dissident physicist, Mr. Gerashchenko lost his job.
Dr. Sakharov, the dissident physicist, said the K.G.B., the Soviet internal security agency, had called in the wives of the two men and told them their husbands would be freed if the families agreed to apply for exit visas.
A secret Government panel has concluded that the energy needed to achieve small-scale nuclear fusion is much greater than most scientists in the field believe, according to a letter from a dissident physicist to the president of the University of California.
"I am aware that you expect me to be more than just polite," the dissident physicist and Nobel laureate said in a statement shown by the Cable News Network, which videotaped it earlier this month in Moscow.