The status of docent, or an equivalent scientific qualification, is also required to serve on doctoral committees and to serve as an opponent at a dissertation defense.
All PhD candidates are required to take a written comprehensive examination, oral preliminary examination, and create a dissertation defense.
A prime example is the dissertation defense: to earn the Ph.D., to become a doctor, one must pass an oral examination on one's dissertation.
It has graduate and doctoral programs and a standing committee for doctoral and candidate dissertation defenses.
On 9 May 1913 Theremin and his cousin attended Ioffe's dissertation defense.
This program requires extensive field work and a dissertation defense.
In 2005 he passed Candidate's dissertation defense, the theme for his thesis was "Developing geostrategies in present-day Russia".
So on a Monday I did my dissertation defense.
In 1967 Sevak became a doctor of philology after dissertation defense.
After his dissertation defense in 1951, he became a professor at the School in 1952.