United and Northwest have obtained court orders directing their mechanics not to engage in any slowdown or other disruptive action over the holidays.
Fans continued their return to the ball parks, and the last thing baseball needs is any kind of disruptive action.
To combine legal work with disruptive action 2.
The agreement to postpone could not be taken as a sign of progress, but as an effort to keep the talks going without disruptive actions.
In an effort to control their disruptive actions, many of these children are being given Ritalin, a prescription drug, which helps them concentrate better.
The disruptive and costly actions turned out to be excessive.
Tactics included sit-ins, disruptive actions and street confrontations.
We are now living in a turbulent world, and Americans do not look with favor at disruptive action brought to the shores of our country.
But they were stopped with disruptive actions by the state security organization ("Staatssicherheit").
The posters and banners were pointed, but there were no disruptive actions.