Nevertheless, the withdrawal of state support for the other deities severely disrupted Egyptian society.
Due to several reasons, this is why it was easier for Cuba to dispel Haitians without disrupting society to such a great extent.
But nevertheless, Roddy may be studying ways to disrupt society.
There were no intermediary Africans to demonstrate that, adoption of a few Islamic institutions would not disrupt society.
No one even seems to know what it is they want except to disrupt society.
They do this to stop efforts to disrupt giant society.
The charge, when it was finally decided, read: "Plotting to disrupt human society to a point where it could no longer function."
Your aim is first to disrupt Tyranian society in Kardiastan.
Sexual taboos evolved in agrarian villages, to prevent disrupting society.
This gave all kinds of revolutionaries, socialists and Communists a chance to disrupt society.