That night, he is locked out of the school while breaking bounds to meet his disreputable friends at the local Cross Keys inn.
I had disreputable but entertaining friends, Percy made what's called 'worth while contacts.'
"Wait till you meet my disreputable friends."
Mama Winnegan, Chib's mother who spends her life drinking, eating, and playing poker with disreputable friends.
Gathering together some disreputable friends, he enlisted the aid of Mr. Jackson, and began the search for The Fiery Eye.
But I have a few disreputable friends.
The comfortable, sheet-less bed at home, humped up with ancient blankets, had the sleep-inducing embrace of a disreputable kindly old friend.
He's just one man, with a few disreputable friends.
By help of some of her disreputable friends, my wife had been able to purchase this relic of a bygone crime.
As usual he was well liked, and according to Lawrence Durrell often had a string of disreputable friends with him.