That night he slept on a couch which Elwood had had the landlord bring to the second-storey room, and for the first time in weeks was wholly free from disquieting dreams.
Almost halfway around the world, Mack Bolan stirred and woke for a moment, trying to remember the disquieting dream that seemed to have taken his breath.
He had had a strange, disquieting dream in which enemies had passed through the room of the ptomes.
Said he had had various disquieting dreams.
For several consecutive nights Nicole had slept fitfully, awakening often from disquieting dreams that she could not quite remember.
And in the end, as after a disquieting dream, I knew I had been in a hypnotic sort of elsewhere.
That night I slept restlessly and had vivid, disquieting dreams.
They were perhaps a little more silent than usual, and they shared a look - pale and slightly dazed, as if they had all shared a disquieting dream.
At one point Remo, superficially a pragmatist, suffers a disquieting dream in which bird-women, "their wings beating quietly in the warm humid air", collect outside his window and incite him to revenge.
Toward morning, however, he had a disquieting dream.