A disputed question is how much water is available on the Guadalupe.
But whether Aquinas correctly read Aristotle is a disputed question.
In moral theology he put an end, as Ballerini remarks, to several disputed questions.
It is distinguished by the clearness with which the most complex and disputed questions of canon law are explained.
Questions aside, the commentary retained high standing and was used in court to answer disputed questions of Dāyabhāga.
The real number of Roma in Hungary is a disputed question.
One of the most disputed questions is the impact of the nation's "war on drugs."
How people used their voices in the Middle Ages is a disputed question.
I hope that the French Presidency will bring a solution to several disputed questions relating to the European agricultural model.
This concerned the information and consultation of workers in European companies, which the then presidency declared a priority, and the much disputed question of economic co-determination.