It attempted to automatically identify disputed claims on websites, highlight them, and link to comments and pages which corrected the dispute.
At a Virginia law school, there is a disputed claim that two students retrieved pistols from their cars and stopped the attacker without firing a shot.
More people have only third-party cover these days, which leads to more disputed claims and expensive delays.
After agreeing to go there, his family then decided that considering the region's longstanding disputed claim with Syria, it was not safe either.
Additionally, the Philippines has a disputed claim over the Spratly Islands.
There are disputed claims that some or all of Sitting Bull's remains were moved to Mobridge.
The new bill created a Pueblo Lands Board to resolve disputed claims.
The desire to release ever more expensive products, each claiming to be the best ever, has led Gillette to make disputed claims for its products.
After two years of prospecting and doing whatever it took to continue, he finally struck gold, but sold his disputed claim for $13,000.
The company wrote back and said it agreed with the agency's assessment and would drop its disputed claims.