The dispute culminated when the king himself called to London, in April 1815, to replace the diplomat, which was accepted almost immediately.
Their dispute culminated in the Battle of Mühldorf on 28 September 1322, which was lost by Frederick.
The dispute will culminate in a final decision on Nov. 18 by the city's Board of Standards and Appeals.
The dispute culminated in a 10 week national strike by shearers in 1983.
The dispute culminated with an exchange of gunfire between the respondent and another young man, known as "bandana man" in a car park.
The dispute culminated in this case where the test was reformulated to reflect both sides of the dispute.
This dispute culminated in a trial.
The disputes between the two parts of the Empire culminated in the early 1900s in a prolonged constitutional crisis.
The dispute culminated in 1997 with an antidumping trade ruling against the Japanese company by the Commerce Department.
In the same year, the disputes between the Basotho and the Boers culminated in open war.