Consequently IFIC decided to dispose of its entire shares and terminate its relations with the Bank with the expiry of the Management Contract on December 31, 1992.
The committee never granted that request, and Mr. White continued selling his Enron stock, disposing of his final shares by Oct. 30.
They disposed of their shares of the unburied treasure diversely.
Although the attempt to buy the company has ended, it remained unclear yesterday whether the former partners intended to dispose of their shares in Crazy Eddie.
Thirdly, the brothers of the joint family system in the Daya Bhaga recognize their right to dispose of their shares at their pleasure.
If all the statutory conditions are satisfied, the shareholder is treated as disposing of his shares for capital gains tax purposes and not as receiving a distribution, and this treatment is mandatory.
Retiring partners would still have the difficulty of disposing of their shares on retirement and putting themselves within the scope of retirement relief.
Auna's three big stakeholders have said they want to dispose of their shares, either through a sale or an initial public offering, and Auna has said previously that it would like to go public.
He told colleagues he had disposed of his shares in The English Manner and resigned as a consultant to it.
The second begged question is whether the foregoing can apply when the articles provide for rights of pre-emption or first refusal when a shareholder wishes to dispose of his shares.