Public relations officials for the Deseret Chemical Depot asserted at the time that during the 2001 disposal operations there were "no problems".
Other issues to surface during disposal operations were high levels of mercury contamination and the tendency of the aluminum casing to explode inside the decontamination furnace.
Eighteen of the banned states and the District of Columbia have no disposal operations.
The last disposal operation destroyed more than 13,000 VX filled land mines.
Under the new structure, the company will have 32 regions, built around major metropolitan areas and the collection, recycling and disposal operations that can serve them most efficiently.
In July, YMS-471 ventured into the East China Sea for mine disposal operations.
It was the second largest evacuation for a disposal operation since the end of the war.
All disposal operations concluded January 21, 2012.
Shortly after Velsicol began its disposal operations at the landfill site, local residents and county, state, and federal authorities became concerned about the environmental impact of their activities.
Early nicknames for the arena included "the Dump", a jab at EnergySolutions' radioactive and hazardous waste disposal operations.