Throughout his life the uncle is expected to display particular care and attention towards his sister's son.
They have the choice of being good or bad, through ordinary acts and the love that they display towards other people.
They have discovered occasions when he displayed compassion, especially towards women, children, and non-combatants.
Victor stopped what he was doing and displayed consoling behavior towards her.
Her father was puritanical, a man who rarely displayed any affection towards his daughters.
Can a Christian, then, examine the truth of these facts with the same objectivity he would display towards any other phenomenon?
For an employee to display loyalty towards his organisation, the first thing he needs to do is to take responsibility.
From early age he displayed various signs of faith and commitment towards the holy Dharma.
Kay helps the young woman, and after a brief exchange, she soon finds herself displaying much care towards her victim.
Hispanic families strongly display their emotions towards one another.