There were other fascinating objects and even photographs in the avian exhibit, but my eyes were drawn across the room, to the display surrounding Dr. Takagishi.
The Tunnel of Light is an artistic display of color and sound surrounding the escalator at the station.
Jian sighed, shaking her head, and made herself study the new display surrounding her.
In November 2007, an electrical fire struck the building, concentrated largely in the "One Shining Moment" portion of the display and areas immediately surrounding it.
Of course, the trade group did not really mean to imply that the acres of displays surrounding the design exhibit were, comparatively speaking, a desert.
But those were merely the backbone of the exotic display surrounding them.
The Arctic Sea Cliff display is a well obstructed display surrounding Arctic birds with a large vertical cliff with nests for breeding, and even a deep pool with underwater viewing for guests.
A still camera's optical viewfinder typically has one or more small supplementary LED displays surrounding the view of the scene.
Beyond the signature of an impulse drive, however, even the most tightly focused sensor beams revealed little--except that the pyrotechnic display surrounding it was associated with a concentrated form of the energy field that permeated this system.
The secular display surrounding their secular purpose of celebrating of a national holiday could have been done without a clearly religious symbol that supports only one religion to the exclusion of others giving one group public approval of their views.