Piedrabuena displayed characteristic solidarity and courage as a seaman in the rescue.
Displaying solidarity and teamwork, Jaffa could use their oaths to strengthen their allies, especially other Jaffa.
The meetings at Buchenwald displayed the 168 airmen's militariness and solidarity, forming a bond that brings them together more than 60 years after the liberation of Buchenwald.
Firstly, we are committed to assuming all our responsibilities at international level and thus displaying total solidarity in this field.
We should, however, meanwhile display solidarity, and the rich north must realise that solidarity and the fight against poverty are a form of peacekeeping.
Europe must display solidarity.
Now we must build an EU financial framework that demonstrates transparency, one that is rigorous and displays solidarity.
Nonetheless, we are called upon to save lives and display solidarity with those who are fighting and suffering.
It has already displayed solidarity via a series of common policies and it must now turn its attention to the sectors of defence and security.
Backing of Other Unions Eastern's unions have displayed unusual solidarity so far in a strike that has succeeded in crippling Eastern's operations.