Like, oh, aging power pitchers who display tremendous resilience and longevity, not that I'm thinking of anyone in particular, Roger.
Coincidentally many characters have remarked that Kate displays slightly elevated strength and resilience to injury.
If a child has a sufficient support system, then he or she can display resilience.
But Mr. Weller's play allows the actress to display far more resilience, warmth and humor.
Each succeeding distinguished School leader has made enormous contributions, displaying great character, resilience, and educational innovation.
To counter the impression of sickness and strife, the Hashemite royal family has sought to display resilience.
The nation's economy displayed resilience in September despite two devastating hurricanes and surging energy costs, economic reports released yesterday show.
The films display the spirit and resilience of the city.
Mr Skinner and his shadows have displayed exemplary resilience and patience in achieving this.
This kind of system may potentially display great robustness and resilience.