In the Collalto Palace - the interiors cannot be visited - Mozart displayed his virtuosity on the clavichord and probably on the violin.
And Mr. Dylan, again, displays his virtuosity whether it is through blues, rock, country, jazz or Tex-Mex.
In actuality, Paganini occasionally broke strings during a performance on purpose so he could further display his virtuosity.
Beneath the chandeliers of the Spanish Riding School, they display their virtuosity to the music of Mozart.
She displayed her virtuosity in this field during the battle with the gods, defying a whole army of swordsmen.
It displays Gligorić's virtuosity on the Black side of the King's Indian and his willingness to play for a sacrificial attack against one of history's greatest defenders.
George Mgrdichian displayed his customary virtuosity on the lutelike oud in the dance.
Thus, Johnny maintains his virtue, keeping his soul from the Devil, by displaying his musical virtuosity in performing traditional songs of America's South.
In 1898 Holz published his masterpiece, the poetry volume Phantasus, a work in which he displayed his linguistic virtuosity.
It's a delightful piece, offering a chance for two actors to display their virtuosity as they play 15 different characters.