Life with PlayStation uses virtual globe data to display news and information by city.
The ticker displays news both in English and in Urdu.
Both systems use the top of the screens to display sports scores, weather, traffic reports, financial news and other headlines.
Instead of displaying news or advertising, it shows messages that anybody can type in at a special Web page.
Each phone uses a microbrowser to display news, weather, stock quotations, e-mail and other wireless Internet features.
Before 2000, the channels simply closed down, displaying news in the form of Ceefax or a test card.
Reuters I also features a plasma screen displaying live market prices and news.
When not in use, the Piazza displays news and sports on two suspended screens.
Last weekend a record executive stood at a party displaying news he had just received on his pager.
The theater can be used to display news, sporting events, poolside activities, concerts, and movies.