Valeda tended to take a rather proprietary interest in his bed life, though she was never so foolish as to display jealousy.
Despite Mew's feelings for Ai, Orina is close friends with her and rarely displays jealousy toward Mew.
Super-Squirrel has a crush on Wonder Wabbit, and displays jealousy when she and Captain Carrot flirt with each other.
Since she had told him what Shota said, he had now twice displayed jealousy, something she had never before seen from him.
Since she had told him what Shota said, he had now twice displayed jealousy.
Both Jughead and Ethel displayed jealousy at the others' relationship, and the storyline was eventually dropped.
To the Editor: As a longtime owner of cats, I have watched with fascination as my pets display affection, fear, jealousy, rudimentary memory, anger and dislike of specific people.
Patients with DP may be prone to inappropriate or explosive behavior and may display pathological jealousy or paranoia.
Additionally, Venus has displayed great jealousy whenever it seems like a girl might be stealing 'her Samatarou-chan' away from her, even when that someone might be Tenko.
He is also notable in that he is the only boyfriend of Buffy who was accepted by and developed a friendship with Xander Harris, who usually displayed jealousy of the males in her life.