If the researcher displayed irritation, Alex tried to defuse it with the phrase, "I'm sorry."
Where Botha's irascibility earned him the nickname of Groot Krokodil - the Great Crocodile, de Klerk rarely displays anger, or even irritation.
When the judge did not respond promptly, the jurors sent notes that displayed irritation.
The Cardinal, by displaying strong public irritation about criticism of his Jerusalem trip, showed that not all Christians dizzy themselves turning the other cheek.
It can be noted that Johnny Sack would rarely visibly display his rage or irritation, except when his wife's reputation was involved.
Detteras alone had displayed irritation.
Faeyahr asked, displaying irritation rather than concern toward the two new arrivals.
He clashed with Miss Kenton, his equal in the household hierarchy, but displayed only understated irritation with her and others.
Though she frequently displays open irritation at Balzac for his brainless ways she does manage to reconcile with him during one of the final guild quests.
He did not feel it safe to display irritation, so he said quietly, almost tentatively, "What is the more fundamental conflict?"