Ms. Morgan not only defies logic, but displays insensitivity to the needs of the elderly.
The commission said Justice Huttner "displayed remarkable insensitivity to his ethical responsibilities" by using the prestige of his office to try to win a lawsuit involving the Murray Hill co-op where he lives and was a board vice president.
This is not the first time the argumentative Mr. Katzman has displayed racial insensitivity.
He has also displayed racial insensitivity, arguing on Sunday that he was opposed to entitlements because he didn't want to "make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money".
In a state where the de facto segregation of public schools has been a divisive and highly emotional subject, Gov. John Rowland has displayed appalling insensitivity in his nominees for Connecticut's State Board of Education.
The leaders we have trouble dealing with are those of obvious talent and genuine achievement who turn out to have displayed appalling ethical insensitivity - or worse.
The selective use of leg irons, belly chains and handcuffs on the three suspects displayed "cultural insensitivity towards black people," stated Judge Trafford.
It displayed incredible insensitivity to the legitimate concerns of the developing world and, frankly, the developing world has little so far to thank the WTO for.
His father, Robert Pisano Sr., a Manhattan accountant, said that while his son may have displayed youthful insensitivity, the incident is being inflated by former school board members who opposed him.