The museum is run by two ever so slightly geeky brothers who also display their own old Action Men and various fanged dolls.
Mrs. Hoyte, 81 years old, began her collection in 1962, after displaying dolls at a charity show for Harlem Hospital.
The museum room displays dolls from all over - Ecuador, Guatemala, Argentina, Indonesia and more.
More than 75 exhibitors will display jewelry, silver, clocks, lamps, folk art, leather goods, dolls and other handiworks suitable for getting a head start on holiday shopping.
A second room displays dolls, clothes, sweaters, books, calendars, candles, candleholders, copperware and, in the fall, Christmas ornaments - all imported from Scandinavia.
These days, people display real dolls in their homes to celebrate happiness, but in some small towns, villagers still toss the paper images into the river to capture the demons before spring arrives.
Smallpox devils were said to be afraid of red things and also of dogs; thus people displayed various dolls that were red.
A. The factory is not open to the public, but a museum in the same town - displaying old and new animals, dolls, wooden toys and memorabilia - is.
More than 150 artisans will be on hand at Staples High School, 70 North Avenue, displaying pottery, quilts, clothing, jewelry, toys, holiday gifts, dolls and textiles for audiences that consistently number around 10,000.
The custom of displaying dolls began during the Heian period.