In the end, the displaced Manual students were given the option of attending other higher performing schools.
The board is working on a plan to "reintroduce" the 5,600 displaced students to the schools they evacuated, most of which will reopen this month.
Most of the displaced students arrived after the school year had begun and have had to try to catch up.
The total number of displaced students is not yet known, but it appears to be well above 200,000.
The local United Way has said it will try to buy school supplies for every displaced student, she said.
Half the 990 displaced students will be "tripled" in dorm rooms designed for two students.
The main task will be to maintain ties between Euzkadi Interior and the displaced students.
"These displaced students," she wrote, "have lost nearly everything."
Mr. Heller had put out the word that his new school would accept displaced students.
Most college administrators said that they had not tried to put a price tag on taking in the displaced students but that the costs are real.