A son of displaced farmers, Nischan grew up with a deep appreciation for sustainable agriculture and those who work the land.
The project faced massive opposition from displaced farmers.
By 2004, more than eight years after they had been moved, the displaced farmers had not been properly compensated.
The petition described the living conditions of the displaced farmers and how previous appeals had led to beatings, detention and forced labour.
Critics have said the program, which is top-heavy with military spending, will lead to increased fighting and displaced farmers.
But displaced farmers often lose their very livelihood.
"I don't know how all the displaced farmers make it," Mr. Brinkman adds.
He is one displaced farmer who moved into a small city, Washington, Iowa, found work as a police officer and enjoys it greatly.
That's when he and the other displaced farmers filed a complaint with the National Agricultural Institute, which has ruled in their favor three times.
The displaced farmer clasped Marcus' hands in a grip that still held the promise of considerable strength.