From there, the refugee office sent them along with other displaced civilians to Wohmbrechts.
In September of that year they had documented 1.9 million displaced civilians from homes in Mogadishu alone during the year 2007.
Walid promised that all displaced Christian civilians would be allowed to return to their homes with appropriate compensation.
She had just finished treating some displaced civilians in a makeshift camp, she said.
The remaining 886 detainees "were determined to be displaced civilians and were treated as refugees.
The paramilitaries are responsible for the overwhelming majority of dead or displaced civilians.
Thousands of buildings were bombed, resulting in 120 dead and 300,000 displaced civilians.
The report estimated the number of displaced civilians to be over 15,000, whereas the U.S. military provided support for only 3,000 of these.
By its own estimates, Pakistan's involvement in the war on terrorism has cost up to $67.93 billion, thousands of casualties and nearly 3 million displaced civilians.
Number of shells landed in the church, killing approximately 40 displaced civilians, including 13 children, and injuring nearly 60 others.