The survey acknowledged undersampling the most troubled families, so the real number of displaced children may be somewhat higher.
St. Louis is a temporary child protection camp for over 120 vulnerable and displaced children.
Currently there are about 13.5 million internally displaced children around the world.
After the war was over the displaced children were allowed to return to Spain.
It should be borne in mind that these displaced children are the main victims in such situations.
At the same time, their home has become a neighborhood hangout for other displaced children.
There are few programs for displaced children in Greece, which created a street child problem in the early 2000s.
Immigrants, refugees and displaced children account for 5% of all asylum seekers.
The infant mortality among displaced Azerbaijani children is 3-4 times higher than in the rest of the population.
Immunization records are unlikely to be available for a large number of displaced children and adults.