The exact number of existing Bosha is difficult to determine, due to the dispersed and often mostly-assimilated nature of the group.
Due to the dispersed nature of the soil asset, a broad but consistent and economically appealing approach to its protection is needed.
Making matters worse is the dispersed nature of after-hours trading.
The population density is 12.44/km2, thi being the result of dispersed nature of the communities.
What makes one pause when considering the role of public transport is the dispersed nature of modern society around the big cities.
A decentralized economy thus complements the dispersed nature of information spread throughout society.
The breeding areas of the migratory birds often have a dispersed nature.
The dispersed nature of many provisions, and amendments thereto, adversely affects the transparency needed for people to be able to understand Community texts.
In formulating movement restriction, the dispersed nature of many holdings should be taken into account.
By their dispersed nature, one-off houses are built further away from commercial, utility, social and emergency services than urban dwellings.