The President, his senior aides and military commanders must be able to get information relayed from space and around the world, and to transmit orders to dispersed forces.
As these three men looked well-kept and neither wore the uniform of Gen Tomisenkow's former dispersed forces, Rabow addressed them in English.
To protect the construction, Major General Sir Leslie Rundle deployed four dispersed forces.
The Greeks, after calling together their dispersed forces met the Macedonians near Crannon in Thessaly.
Converging thrusts by widely dispersed forces look good in war games, Citizen Commissioner, but they don't work out well in practice, especially over interstellar distances.
As a result, the government forces led by Reza Khan crushed the dispersed forces of the Republic.
As dispersed forces, the fedayeen could survive long after the lines of Iraqi military command have been disrupted.
Their generally dispersed forces plus an effective low-tech early warning system rendered most of our strikes pure theater.
Sheridan learned of Early's dispersed forces and immediately struck out after Winchester, the location of two previous major engagements during the war, both Confederate victories.
Surely the enemy general could not mean to let his dispersed forces be confronted one by one.