Radiological dispersal device; a "dirty bomb" using radioactive materials RDV.
A dirty bomb, also known as a radiological dispersal device (RDD) is a radioactive explosive weapon.
See also radiological dispersal device.
Radiological dispersal device (RDD): a device that disperses radioactive material by conventional explosive or other mechanical means, such as a spray.
Al Qaeda may be pursuing a radioactive dispersal device, what some call a dirty bomb.
In November 1995, Chechen terrorists planted, but did not detonate, a radiological dispersal device (commonly known as a dirty bomb) in Izmailovo Park.
Radiological dispersal devices (RDDs) are weapons of mass disruption rather than weapons of mass destruction.
The DEST also can be organized to provide the expert advice required for certain explosive devices and their components including chemical, biological, nuclear, and radiological dispersal devices.
Even in some cases where the expected casualties are relatively small, the document lays out extraordinary economic consequences, as with a radiological dispersal device, known as a "dirty bomb."
He pointed to "plots that could include the use of a radiological dispersal device, as well as poisons and chemicals."