Tonight's lane watch, perhaps, could pursue these disparate threads to their origins.
The thirteen episodes were, however, loosely connected in a series-long story arc which brought their disparate threads together in the series finale.
Publishers Weekly said "Modesitt cleverly weaves together disparate threads of information to form a complete tapestry."
Since he first began making movies 25 years ago, he has combined disparate threads into a highly particular cinematic quilt.
The disparate threads of research have come together only within the last couple of years.
The Snake seems to be a collection of short stories until, in a brilliant denouement, disparate threads are brought together to reveal the underlying thematic structures.
Two bands that weave together warm jams from disparate threads of American music share this groovy bill.
While she could sense the future, the currents of choice and consequence constantly shifted, making it more difficult to determine where all the disparate threads would lead.
Despite these disparate threads, jazz rap did not coalesce as a genre until the late 80s.
Thus are the chaotic and disparate threads of his years - hundreds of people, numbers, appointments - ordered and tamed.