His inspiration, he once said, came from such disparate sources as nature, architecture, the arts and exotic travel.
Rather, its disparate sources have been smoothed and folded into Soli's own distinct voice.
What Luciano does best is to synthesize information, much of it from disparate sources, both highbrow and pop.
As such this information has been accumulated from various, disparate sources and is far from complete.
Scientists wishing to assemble information about a particular plant grouping have been forced to piece it together from disparate sources.
Despite these disparate sources, the final combinations are harmonious.
Combining disparate sources of data for phylodynamic analysis remains a major challenge in the field and is an active area of research.
Still, the Mayor managed to stitch together a plan inspired by disparate sources.
Collage film is a style of film created by juxtaposing found footage from disparate sources.
But much more work needed to be done, he said, to line up data from disparate sources.