Nearby are two groupings of disparate objects united by a single classical symbol, one based on the column, the other on the urn.
Deciding how to group such disparate objects as calculators and sofas was the main challenge.
As scientific knowledge advanced, human perception of the planets changed, incorporating a number of disparate objects.
Like a Jersey beach, the surfaces in my East Village apartment were strewn with disparate objects.
My works are crafted from the disregarded and disparate objects of the car boot sale and the charity shop.
Light, shadows (particularly those cast by items outside of the picture) and disparate objects were juxtaposed in dreamy arrangements that often had an erotic component.
Willow at 4 liked to hold up disparate objects, say a fork and a clock, and grill her mother.
The way Otterson combines disparate objects also suggests Surrealism, but there is an important difference.
The show contains 24 recent pieces in several media, the most common being assemblage, or aggregates of various, disparate objects.
At the Metropolitan, disparate objects were brought together to create a period setting.