Mr. Trautwein said the talks reminded him of a medieval alchemist stirring together disparate and volatile ingredients.
Standard pop-metal production blends these disparate ingredients into an easily digestible pudding.
Some of the dishes sounded so cacaphonous, with ingredients so disparate, we wondered if the kitchen skills could pull them off.
The regular menu is a stimulating one, part Italian, part seafood, part creative combinations using disparate ingredients.
Who would have thought those disparate ingredients could unite in such flavor fireworks?
The medium-short menu is intriguing, with dishes that successfully combine disparate ingredients, in what we think of as the creative California style.
Magically, the disparate ingredients came together and continued to throughout the evening.
Like a visionary chef, Mr. Chen has a remarkable willingness to experiment with disparate ingredients in the same pot.
But at some point, disparate ingredients must be melded into a fluid style that lets the story tell itself.
It is as if an entire town were compressed onto a single block, a messy stew of disparate ingredients that when combined produce a rewarding dish.